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Christmas thanks....and wishing you a happy, healthy 2022 xx

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

For me, and many others, Christmas is a bit of an odd time of year; regardless of religious, cultural and social expectation, not to mention financial pressures. For some it is a time of nostalgia; family and friends, sumptuous food, backyard cricket or snow-ish , for others a time of intense sadness and loneliness, for others again just a meaningless day. But the festive season does bring out some of the kinder aspects of human nature, rampant consumerism aside...with advertisements, media and general community messaging around 'peace and goodwill to all'.

Then hitching on the back of this expensive and emotional holiday is the winding down of the year, a social construct perhaps, an opportunity for reflection at best...

..... so, with this perceived impending finish line, 2021 is so very nearly done and dusted, and the bubbly feelings generated by the festive season it seems the PERFECT TIME to say...

Really, thank you for ANY and ALL the support you bring to Pup and Girl - we are nothing without you. It doesn't matter how many kilometres I run around the country if no-one is willing to stop and wonder why / read my ramblings / spread the word / challenge their views / donate to organisations that assist people experiencing heart is saturated in gratitude, it feels both heavy and feather light with the weight of it. xx

If you do Christmas...then I hope you have a delicious and loving one...

...and for the coming year (borrowing the words of the amazing Neil Gaiman)...

'...I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.'

If you are a CHRISTMAS-Y sort of person and you want to spread the joy and sprinkle kindness about the place, but you're a little unsure ... are a few useful links!

The Gift of Giving

Christmas is traditionally a time to stop, reflect and, where you can, give back. It may be volunteering, buying an extra gift for a stranger or forgoing a little luxury like a morning coffee to make someone else’s day a bit brighter. Small gestures can have big impacts. Here are a few ways to show some goodwill across this festive season.

No Aussie should be without shelter this Christmas - You and your family can be Santa this year

Backpack Bed for Homeless partners with homeless services across Australia to distribute our study proven Backpack Beds to street sleeping homeless without shelter.

Volunteering on Christmas Day

If you are looking for somewhere to volunteer on Christmas Day, this article will give you the updated information you need for volunteering for Christmas near where you live! We have researched and found all the best Christmas volunteering opportunities across Australia.

If you are looking to make donations in lieu of gift giving this year..

Hutt Street Centre:

Catherine House:

St Vinnies:

Orange Sky:

...and out of habit here is a little video treat, 'cause I love ya! xx

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